Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brighton to Prague: The great european adventure begins! (belated)

Four-ish weeks is a long time to both be traveling constantly and remembering what you've done. I took some notes as I went but this may be somewhat sketchy. Here goes:
March 20th
The three of us, Kelly, Rose and I woke up (at least I did) at 3:50 to catch the 4:51 bus to get to the Brighton train station then took the the train to Gatwick Airport to catch our flight to Prague. The flight was late and we may have had set a personal record for the shortest time through security. We didn't even have to take our shoes off. So, we had plenty of time before our flight despite last minute stress about being late. I used this time to worry about the size of my carry-on luggage (my backpack was round and the size of a small toddler. I'm not joking.) and if my basil plant, which I had left in the kitchen window, would survive two weeks of abandonment or even worse my three teenage male flatmates (it did. don't worry.) After an uneventful flight spent reading up on just what exactly is in Prague, we arrived in continental Europe and whats more, central Europe, land of post Hapsburg and post communist countries. After failing to find an ATM and successfully exchanging some pounds, we took the bus to the metro then walked the final way to our hostel. No, we were not actually trying to see just how many forms of transportation we could use in one day. :)
Czech Money

The hostel wanted us to leave these on little clips on the beds so they knew they were in use

hostel dorm. I was in a smaller one separate from Rose and Kelly because we couldn't book three together.

The hostel (the Czech Inn) was very nice, not at all what I was expecting when I thought "hostel." It was somewhat modern looking, there was a bar downstairs and they gave 15 minutes of free internet on their computers (!). Then we were off to wander around Prague and have some lovely traditional goulash.

We wandered by the National Museum and Wenceslas Square, named for St. Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Czech Republic and subject of the Christmas carol. Many demonstrations haven taken place here, including the 1989 protest against police brutality which led to the Velvet Revolution.

The Square, National Museum in the background, statue of St. Wenceslas and some protesters

We wandered some more around old and new town before taking the tram back to the hostel and going to bed early. Eventually. First we took the tram in the wrong direction and got to see the River and Charles Bridge as well as the very pretty national theater.

National theater with pretty starry blue roof, which you can't see very well here

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